Traditionally a fancy dress ball is held at Manderley every year and it is agreed that the tradition should continue so that Maxim can show off his bride to the county. The narrator cannot make up her mind what to wear.
Surprisingly Mrs Danvers steps in to help and suggests that she copies the costume from a painting of Caroline de Winter, one of Maxim’s ancestors.On the evening of the ball the narrator’s maid helps her to dress and transformed into Caroline de Winter she looks absolutely beautiful as she steps out of her bedroom and down the stairs to where Maxim, Beatrice, Giles and Frank are waiting. But as she steps forward a look of horror crosses all their faces and Maxim starts shouting at her. The narrator tries to explain that she has copied the painting, but by now Maxim is shaking with rage and tells her to go and get changed. The narrator turns and runs back to her room, tears filling her eyes and as she runs she sees Mrs Danvers standing in the shadows with a look of triumph on her evil face.
The fancy dress ball, was it a Mrs Danver's triumph?
16 comentaris:
I think that it was a great triumph for Mrs Danver because she made the new Mrs de Winter look like a fool in front of her husband and the guests. The poor girl didn't know how much Mrs Danver hated her but admired Rebecca. The housekeeper didn't want people to forget Rebecca and so her deception made everybody remember her. Especially Maxim, who hadn't told her new wife nor anybody else his terrible secrets.
The fancy dress ball was Mrs Danver's triumph because she hated Mrs de Winter. Because she married with Maxim de Winter, the first Rebecca's husband.
While others prepared de fancy dress ball,Mrs de Winter was choosing her dress, and Mrs Danver told her that she should see family's Maxim de Winter paintings, and that she should choose one dress for her. Mrs de Winter liked one painting and Mrs Danver told her that was Carolina de Winter, an ancestor. Mrs de Winter decided to wear Carolina de Winter's dress. Mrs Danver was happy. Mrs de Winter come down to party and when Maxim saw her, he started to shout and Mrs de Winter came up crying.
Mrs de Winter told Mrs Danver why she hated her. It was because the dress was Rebecca's.
To sum up Mrs Danver had forced Mrs de Winter to choose Rebecca's dress to make Maxim angry. So she had a triumph herself in that ball.
The fancy dress ball was Mrs Danver's triumph because she hated Mrs de Winter. Because she married with Maxim de Winter, the first Rebecca's husband.
While others prepared de fancy dress ball,Mrs de Winter was choosing her dress, and Mrs Danver told her that she should see family's Maxim de Winter paintings, and that she should choose one dress for her. Mrs de Winter liked one painting and Mrs Danver told her that was Carolina de Winter, an ancestor. Mrs de Winter decided to wear Carolina de Winter's dress. Mrs Danver was happy. Mrs de Winter come down to party and when Maxim saw her, he started to shout and Mrs de Winter came up crying.
Mrs de Winter told Mrs Danver why she hated her. It was because the dress was Rebecca's.
To sum up Mrs Danver had forced Mrs de Winter to choose Rebecca's dress to make Maxim angry. So she had a triumph herself in that ball.
The fancy dress ball was Mrs Danver's triumph because she hated Mrs de Winter. Because she married with Maxim de Winter, the first Rebecca's husband.
While others prepared de fancy dress ball,Mrs de Winter was choosing her dress, and Mrs Danver told her that she should see family's Maxim de Winter paintings, and that she should choose one dress for her. Mrs de Winter liked one painting and Mrs Danver told her that was Carolina de Winter, an ancestor. Mrs de Winter decided to wear Carolina de Winter's dress. Mrs Danver was happy. Mrs de Winter come down to party and when Maxim saw her, he started to shout and Mrs de Winter came up crying.
Mrs de Winter told Mrs Danver why she hated her. It was because the dress was Rebecca's.
To sum up Mrs Danver had forced Mrs de Winter to choose Rebecca's dress to make Maxim angry. So she had a triumph herself in that ball.
Well, apparently it could look like Danvers had won her own war, but, truly, she only had beaten a battle. Fortunately, inside the shy and frightened Mrs. de Winter was hidden a strong and fighter young girl who wouldn’t lose what she had ever loved the most, her husband, so easily. For that reason, I consider that Danvers’ trap wasn’t effective enough because she didn’t achieve what she wanted: throw Mrs. de Winter out of Manderley.
Therefore, fooling Mrs. de Winter telling her that wearing that costume would be perfect for the party was only a little trap that it wasn’t effective to brake the marriage, on the contrary, in the end, it helped Mrs. de Winter to understand that Mr. de Winter had never loved Rebecca and that he was completely in love with her. For the reason that all those impolitely words that Danvers had said to Mrs. de Winter were the way to defense herself, because she had always admired and loved Rebecca so much and she couldn’t accept that she was the new Mrs. de Winter.
I think that The Fancy Dress Ball was really a Mrs Daver's triumph. You see that Mrs de Winter was thrilled about his dress and she thought that her dress, proposed by Mrs Denvers, was going to be the better, so you think that the party will be perfect. But when she goes down stairs Maxim, Beatrice and Giles looked at her strangely. Maxim thought that there was a laught and he felt hungry. When she saw their looks and how Maxim felt she goes to her bedroom crying and Beatrice helpped her to return to the party with an other dress. Mrs Danver was who made Maxim and Mrs de Winter feel sad and bad. So she could get what she wanted, she didn't want the new Mrs de Winter and she make Maxim be hungry with her. As Maxim was feeling like this with Mrs de Winter and she didn't know why, probably Mrs Danvers felt at ease about that and this was what Mrs Danver wanted, so the fancy dress ball was a triumph for her.
In my opinion, the fancy dress ball have been a good way to explain how Mrs Danvers is and how she still appreciates Rebecca. The housekeeper wants everybody to remind about the last Mrs de Winter and she also wants to destroy the relationship between Ms De Winter and his new wife.
For getting her own aims she lies the narrator about the fancy dress that she's going to wear few days after. At the end Mrs Danvers wins, and Mrs de Winter acts like a fool woman who only wants to hear her lover.
Hello Rosa!
First of all I enjoy a lot the book. It's quite simple and it makes the reading more easier.
In my opinion, that is the enormous Mr Denver's triumph. She shows how dopy and shy Mrs Winter is. She extremely stultify Mrs Winter. Mrs Denvers will always hate Mrs Winter. She will never forget what Rebecca was and what will she be for ever.
In summary that's the only Mrs Denver's triumph anyway she will pay it hard won't she?
I think that it was a Mrs Dunver triumph because she got that Mr de Winter got angry with the narrator.
It was a satisfaction for Mr Danver because she hate the narrator and she liked to saw Mr de Winter angry with his wife.But, Mrs de Winter, was having a very hard time because she didn't know the real intentions of the housekeeper, and she only did the things that she advised her. And, for the housekeeper was a triumph because she loved Rebecca and she didn’t like that the narrator replace her.
In conclusion, the narrator wasn’t accepted for the majority of the personal of Manderley, because all of they loved Rebecca and they thought that anybody could replace her.
Marc Soler
I was never waiting for this end.
I had never imagined that the Mrs Danvers was burning Manderley.I have realized that the end of the book is different that that of the movie.Though I like more the end of the book.On Manderley having be burned Maxium and his wife will be able to live without Rebecca's recollection.
Also thanks to the accident of the ship Maxium is capable of telling all the truth on the event to his wife.
What I do not like me of Mrs Danvers was that cheating the wife of Maxim, with the disguise of the night of disguises.
For my she is a very bad woman because she makes it happen badly to another people because of whom she cannot forget to Rebecca.
Last year’s book was more difficult for me this one has seemed to me to be easier.
Good luck for tomorrow’s exam!
Firstly, the Fancy Dress Ball was a triumph for Danvers because Max got angry with Mrs De Winter and stopped talking to her, but two days later when succeeded the finding of Rebecca's body inside the boat, Maxim went back to her to explain all the truth of his last wife's death.
Finally, what had been Mrs Danvers' triumph, ended up being a big defeat and a stronger link between Maxim and Mrs De Winter.
Yes, it was. Mrs Danvers loved Rebecca, for that reason she couldn't see Mr Winter and the narrator together. She took advantage, in the fancy dress ball, to remind her dear Rebecca.
Mrs Danvers advised her to dress the Caroline de Winter's dress who was in a picture in the wall of the corridor. The narrator was really innocent, so she decided to dress like that Maxim's ancestor. But she didn't know that her dress had been worn for Rebecca last year. For that, when Mr Winter saw his wife with the same dress of previous one, he though that it was a joke and he got angry.
Finally, Mrs Danvers achieved to humiliate Mrs de Winter and keep the memory of Rebecca alive.
hello!!! I'm ARGI
I supose I'll write two comments because i think that this one will be too short.
My opinion is that it was a triumph for Mrs Danver because she admired Rebecca and hated the poor main character. She didn't know that that dress was worn by Rebecca at last Ball. When people see her everybody remember Rebecca and specially Max, who get really angry with her.
Good byeee
hello!!! I'm ARGI
I supose I'll write two comments because i think that this one will be too short.
My opinion is that it was a triumph for Mrs Danver because she admired Rebecca and hated the poor main character. She didn't know that that dress was worn by Rebecca at last Ball. When people see her everybody remember Rebecca and specially Max, who get really angry with her.
Good byeee
hello!!! I'm ARGI
I supose I'll write two comments because i think that this one will be too short.
My opinion is that it was a triumph for Mrs Danver because she admired Rebecca and hated the poor main character. She didn't know that that dress was worn by Rebecca at last Ball. When people see her everybody remember Rebecca and specially Max, who get really angry with her.
Good byeee
I read this book and I think that Is a great book. I’ve liked this book a lot because it is a book of suspense where you don’t wait what will happen and this type of books I like a lot.
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