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The Heroine - The novel's protagonist and narrator; we never learn her given name.
Maxim de Winter - A cultured, intelligent older man, and the owner of Manderley, a prized estate and mansion on the English coast.
Rebecca - In life, Rebecca was the beautiful, much-loved, wife of Maxim de Winter...
Mrs. Danvers - The sinister housekeeper at Manderley.Click on this video to hear her voice.
Jack Favell - Rebecca's cousin.
Frank Crawley - Maxim's kind, loyal overseer at Manderley.
Beatrice - Maxim's sister.
Mrs. Van Hopper - A vulgar, gossipy and wealthy American woman. She employs the heroine as a companion while she travels from one European resort town to another.
Ben - A harmless man, mildly retarded, who spends much of his time on the beach near Manderley.
Colonel Julyan - The local magistrate.
Lady Crowan - A local noblewoman who suggests that Maxim and the heroine revive the tradition of holding an annual costume ball at Manderley.
Baker - A London doctor
Frith - The butler at Manderley
Clarice - The heroine's maid
Jasper - One of Maxim's pet spaniels, and the heroine's favorite
2 comentaris:
In my opinion, the characters of the story are they all interesting. A curious one is the Narrator, a petty 21-year-old girl alone in the world —her parents are dead and her job is to be a greedy and unbearable Madame’s companion— who is always trying to do things and behave in a pleasant way for his love, Maxim. However, despite she acts so as not to bother anybody, I defend that she could learn to be brighter instead of feeling afraid of everything —even of the servants!—. That’s why I think that she is right when she says that she seems a childish schoolgirl. In spite of that, I have to admit that I’ve felt very sorry for her during the reading because she is a powerless, weak and sometimes insignificant bride. She is such an insignificant person that she has got no name in the story; she’s only Mr de Winter’s new wife.
Hi, Rosa!
In my coment I'm going to tell you my opinion about Rebecca.
I think that Rebecca was a bad person; what’s more, I think she was rather insensitive and she behaved despicably. I think so because she enjoyed playing with feelings of the other people, especially with men’s feelings, and I can’t understand how could her had so good reputation. Although Mrs Danvers revealed that the only thing worried Rebecca was the thought of illness, of dying slowly in her bed, I also think that it’s deplorable to use her own husband to kill her, provoking him with lies and hiding her illness, only because she’s afraid to die alone and slowly in her bed and she isn’t capable to kill herself.
Eva Martínez
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