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The Heroine - The novel's protagonist and narrator; we never learn her given name.
Maxim de Winter - A cultured, intelligent older man, and the owner of Manderley, a prized estate and mansion on the English coast.
Rebecca - In life, Rebecca was the beautiful, much-loved, wife of Maxim de Winter...
Mrs. Danvers - The sinister housekeeper at Manderley.Click on this video to hear her voice.
Jack Favell - Rebecca's cousin.
Frank Crawley - Maxim's kind, loyal overseer at Manderley.
Beatrice - Maxim's sister.
Mrs. Van Hopper - A vulgar, gossipy and wealthy American woman. She employs the heroine as a companion while she travels from one European resort town to another.
Ben - A harmless man, mildly retarded, who spends much of his time on the beach near Manderley.
Colonel Julyan - The local magistrate.
Lady Crowan - A local noblewoman who suggests that Maxim and the heroine revive the tradition of holding an annual costume ball at Manderley.
Baker - A London doctor
Frith - The butler at Manderley
Clarice - The heroine's maid
Jasper - One of Maxim's pet spaniels, and the heroine's favorite